two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

Lesson- Two stories about flying
Type - Short questions

Question-1  How were Seagull's parents helping his brothers and sister for perfecting them in the art of flight?

Answer - The young seagull's parents are flying with his elder brother and younger sister. They are making them proficient in the art of flying. They are teaching them how to dive in the sea for fish.

two stories about flying questions and answers
Question-2 Why could the young seagull not reach his parents without flying?

Answers-  the young seagull could not reach his parents without flying because Beyond the end of the rock face, the sea area stretched far below and the distance down was quite vast.

Question-3 What was his family doing on the plateau when seagull failed to draw their attention?

Answer- The young seagull's siblings were lying on the rock with their heads buried in their necks, and its father was grooming the feathers on its white back with his beak.

Question-4 How did the young seagull start flying?

Answer- The mother of the young seagull would pass by the young seagull again and again, carrying a piece of fish in her beak. So the young seagull jumped on the piece of fish which made it fall down and after a while he felt like he was flying.

Question-5 when did the seagull's flight begin? Where did it end?

Answer- The young seagull's flight began with catching a piece of fish And his flight will end with a dive into the sea.

Question-6 How did  the seagull get over his fear of water?

Answer- The young seagull had not eaten for a night and was hungry too. When he dived into the sea, he thought he was drowning because he was tired but after a while he felt that he was swimming, In this way his fear of water went away.

Question-7 Do you sympathies with the seagull? Why?

Answer- We sympathize with Seagull because Seagull was afraid of flying and diving into the sea. But when his family scared him by abandoning him and he did not get food, he overcame this fear and started flying.

Question-8 How did seagull express his excitement when he saw his mother bringing food for him?

Answer- When the young seagull saw his mother and food being late, he started calling his mother.

Question-9 How did the young seagull's parents teach their children the art of flying?

Answer-  The young seagull was afraid to fly over the sea because he thought he would drown. So the family decided to teach him a lesson. The mother seagull tore off a piece of fish lying near her feet. She threw it to his siblings and they took flight and caught it.

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two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,

two stories about flying questions and answers,


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